Friday, September 18, 2009

I've been tagged...

Cathy's Tuts has tagged me with this survey - so here goes...

1. How long have you been using PSP, PS?

I have been using PSP for about 2 yrs - Can't seem to do photoshop lol

2. How did you get into making tags, scrap kits?

I noticed all the great tags and joined a psp group.

3. Who's your fave artist?

Ohhh hard question .... Elias Chatzoudis, Ismael Rac, Keith Garvey, Steve Baier, Jennifer Janesko, Barbara Jensen, Caron Vinson, Suzanne Woolcott etc. I could go on and on with this

4.Who`s your favourite Scrap Designer?

Tooo many to list !!!! I spend alot of time at Scraps With Attitude

5. Which three blogs do you visit everyday?

Blame Beaches Tutorials , Cathy's Tuts , Scraps With Attitude By Missy

I will pass this survey on to Jynxi of Jynxi's Place